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2024-12-1 13:55| 发布者: 荷兰华人新闻网| 查看: 93| 评论: 0|原作者: 掸邦先驱新闻社|来自: Shan Herald Agency for News

摘要: Junta Abducts 140 From Taunggyi City Before and During Tazaungdaing Festival 军政府在大庆之前和期间从东枝市抓捕了140人 作者:掸邦先驱新闻社 来源:Shan Herald Agency for News Before and during the ...


Junta Abducts 140 From Taunggyi City Before and During Tazaungdaing Festival


作者:掸邦先驱新闻社         来源:Shan Herald Agency for News



Before and during the Tazaungdaing Festival period, from 11 to 17 November 140 people were abducted after nighttime arrests by the junta in Taunggyi City, the Shan State capital.



The nighttime abductions in downtown Taunggyi City started in October 2024 and increased significantly during Taunggyi’s renowned Tazaungdaing Festival, which was held from 11 to 17 November.



The 140 abducted men came from 10 wards across Taunggyi City. Most were drug users who had ventured out at night. Locals say that, more than likely, the junta arrested them to forcibly conscript them into the junta army.



A woman living in Taunggyi City said to SHAN: “Even before the Tazaungdaing Festival, the junta’s nighttime abductions were widespread, but they have worsened during the festival period. Most people now avoid going out at night. The majority of the recent arrests have been drug users. In the past, junta troops often accepted bribes to release detainees, but that is no longer the case. Those abducted are highly likely to be forcibly conscripted. So far, there have been no reports of house raids; the junta troops are focusing solely on individuals who venture onto the streets at night.”



Taunggyi city.


As a result of these nighttime arrests, people, particularly men, have been warned to avoid going out at night and if they have to, they should be very vigilant.



Another Taunggyi City resident said: “Even after the Tazaungdaing Festival, reports of nighttime arrests have continued around Yae Aye Kwin Ward and War Pyar Crossroad. As a result, it is advised to avoid going out at night unless absolutely necessary. Staying indoors after dark remains the safest option. Otherwise, there is a risk of abduction and potential ransom demands.”



Arrests in Taunggyi City during the day have also recently increased. Many cars and motorcycles without proper registration plates were confiscated during the Tazaungdaing Festival period, and several young people were arrested in connection with these incidents.



Before the coup, Taunggyi City was famous for having the biggest and best Tazaungdaing celebrations in Myanmar with many large, elaborate, homemade hot air balloons that rain down fireworks being released in front of thousands of people, with many attending from across the country.



Of the 140 Taunggyi City residents already arrested, there were: 10 from Sao San Htun Ward, 12 from Nyaungbyu Sakan Ward, 15 from Yadana Thiri Ward, 10 from Chan Mya Ward, 20 from Shwe Taung Ward, 16 from Sein Pan Ward, 14 from Kan Thar Ward, 23 from Kyaung Gyi Su Ward, 10 from Mingalar Oo Ward, and 10 from Phaya Phyu Ward.

在已被捕的140名东枝市居民中,有:10人来自圣新屯区,12人来自牛比沙坎区,15人来自雅达纳提里区,10人来自陈米亚区,20人来自瑞东区,16人来自盛潘区,14人来自甘达区,23人来自庆宜苏区,10人来自明加拉乌区,10人来自Phaya Phyu区。




作者:掸邦先驱新闻社         来源:Shan Herald Agency for News


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